2010 will be 365 of slimming down (in weight) and beefing up (in my relationship with God).
my workout is crazy, my diet even worse. (and in reality - my goal is until the end of february, then taking it from there.)
my passion is anxious, although lost at times. (but this year is about pursing amidst the "dry, empty days".)
i'm asking you to follow my growth, my struggles, and my faults - you could even join me in this. here's the plan: reading/fellowship & workout/diet.
daily: going through the old testament & spending 20 minutes of devotion in fellowship with my God, my Daddy.
weekly: reading the Bible with my fantastic boyfriend at least 3 times.
monthly: reading one cross-centered literature.
workout schledule:
monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday: 1 hour of tennis
tuesday/thursday: 45 (extra) minutes of cardio & flexibility
monday/wednesday/friday: 30 minutes of strength training
2000 calories, no eating after 10pm, no pop, 2 sweets per week
(allowing myself to break rules 2 times per month)