after easter/holiday celebration/a lot of chocolate & desserts - my diet was over. i took a two (or three) week break. it was bad. i ate whatever, whenever, with a who-cares attitude. i'm sure that i gained all the weight back, and i don't want to get on the scale to prove it. i would much rather just move forward.
so starting monday (because this weekend is still continuation of celebrating my birthday - aka atleast 2 more cakes), i will be back to a steady, strict plan to get back down and healthy. this is an even bigger push because tennis ends today, so whatever calories that practices/matches are burning are out of the picture. it's back to the gym. all day, everyday. (just kidding about that last part.) but seriously - i will have to make my own cardio lessons rather than relying on practice to get it me.
so, i think the next step would be to publish a list i've been working on. (did you hear that ashley - i'm following you are your lists?) kevin (my future/i-like-to-think-current father-in-law) was the influence for this list, and it is something i would like to continue to do throughout my life.
22 things I want to do by the time I'm 22:
1. read the Bible in its entirety2. run 500 miles in one year
3. go horseback riding
4. save $2500 for my future
5. become a 4.5 tennis player
6. collect all spare change for missions
7. cut down my closet/clothes
8. go to a Ben Folds concert
9. read 20 new books
10. find a new favorite band
11. go to a Frontier Ruckus concert (or 5)
12. grow my hair to the middle of my back
13. touch ground in 10 states
14. feel confident in a swimsuit
i'm still short a few goals. any suggestions? i will come back to this list in the next few days and work on finishing it up so i can see my next year laid out for me. i like that i dreamt big on a few points, but it also makes it difficult to up-the-anty next year when i plan my 23-list.
so i've made headway already on this list - #1, i'm already all the way done with joshua on my first time through the whole Bible. i will continue at the end of this year (walking through the Old Testament) and read the NT. #2 - i'm 2 miles down and about to be 4 miles in. this goal is averaged at less than 2 miles per day, which i think will be a challenge to keep getting up and running and a great work-ethic for me to develop. #4 - i currently have almost $300 in savings. stop laughing - i know it's not much. but it's a HUGE amount for me to have set away. and remember back - i've been saving $10/week, so at the end of this year from that alone i will have $520. i'm already ahead of schedule. :] #5 - this refers to a USTA tennis ranking. by playing in a collegiate program, i'm already assumed to be a 4.5 (out of 7.0) ability, but this is not true. i want to change this. i want to really up my game this summer and next fall. #6 - this is a goal i set last year for myself. after being away for the summer, and collecting for probably close to 10 months, i had $25 of change that was donated to a mission trip from one of the trips from spring arbor. i liked this and want to do it again.#9 - hopefully in the next week this will be well started, since i have at least 5 more books to read by thursday for a class project. whoops.
so that's the report for now. i'm headed off to run a few laps for relay for life. this is for YOU: tommy & grandpa. i love you both. this is for YOU caleb - you will fight through.