Thursday, January 13, 2011

3 in 30 [week 2]

it's been another week. and not a great one in consideration of my goals:
#1 - no taco bell.
#2 - 30 minutes of cardio everyday.
#3 - memorize hebrews 1&2 in spanish & english.

#1 is still good to go. haven't had taco bell. don't really have a need for it.
i amp up this goal next month and say no fast food. it would be much better for me.
#2 was... not so good this week.
friday: mix of yoga & bootcamp calorie burn workouts.
saturday: ...
sunday: ...
monday: ...
tuesday: ...
wednesday: workout with the roommates - ab ripper x (from p90x) and stationary bike
thursday (today): workout with the roommates - stationary bike
tuesday is the only day i actually had an excuse not to work out. i was way too busy. but the other days i just was lazy and couldn't find motivation. that was bad. bad me.
#3 i'm no farther than i was before this month began. i have about 4 verses of chapter one done. i need to start on this. i want to accomplish my goals.

i'm very excited about making these things habit. i am excited as the year progresses to keep adding things to my life to make a better me. and a more productive, effective me. :] thank you ashley & meghan for 3 in 30.


  1. I have never eaten Taco Bell. True story. I workout 5-6 days a week. If you need help with accountability, I'm there :) I am doing well with my 3in30 goals. :) I have the story of my weight loss at the top of my blog- The Boring Details, if you need some motivation. :D Have a great week!

  2. Samantha, you've never eaten at Taco Bell? WOMAN! Haha, and Alyssa, it looks like you've had an awesome week! So glad youre joining in 3 In 30!


  3. Alyssa...any progress is worth noting and accepting as a step in the right direction! I think part of reaching goals is keeping the goals in mind...we're more aware of what we are and aren't doing along the way, which is very beneficial to making changes that will help us reach our goals in the end. Keep up the good work!

  4. Alyssa, I agree with Janet Rose. But I also want to ad not to beat yourself up. Pick up where you left off and just push ahead.

    I wonder what my life would look like without any Fast Food. This may not work as my middleman loves his M.

  5. Visiting from the 3in3o link-up...I think you are doing a great job with your goals. Sure, you maybe didn't accomplish all you set out for this week, but you are definitely making progress - stick with it!

  6. I just have to wonder how much Taco Bell you were eating since you made this a goal. I know more than one person who eats at Chipotle every day. Seriously. Every single day. Were you eating at Taco Bell every day?

    You are doing great!

  7. Okay, loving goal number 1. I love Taco Bell, but rarely eat there since my girls don't like tacos. I know, I know....I still have hope :)

    Keep going on your goals - you can do it! baby steps!

  8. your new picture makes you look so old, like good old, not bad. I think you know what i mean. ;) Wow Alyssa, congrats on no tb! Ab Ripper sounds intense. Have a great week!

  9. K, delete the first sentence of the last comment and insert, "you look sophisticated." thats the word that i couldn't find.

  10. If you're use to eating Taco Bell on a regular basis and you haven't had any, you're doing great. Just keep working at those goals!

  11. I had Taco Bell this week, just for you. :) How are your goals doing with your transition? Have you been able to keep them up?
