Wednesday, January 5, 2011

[proverbs 31.30]

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."

These words hung over our mirrors in my apartment's getting ready room. I read them daily... but how often did I focus on them? I was too busy getting ready, checking my hair, my make-up, my blemishes... ironic, right?

I know that beauty will not last. I understand this vividly. So I justify my actions by considering that I need to take advantage of what beauty I have now. I think to myself not to put a large emphasis on it with my time and money. But considering my love for clothes, for accessories, for things that make me look beautiful, I have not proven this to be true.

It's hard.

All around me, even in people I look up to, I see an obsession with what's beautiful and what's not. I don't want to be that "not".

I wish that my time and money could reflect my love and devotion to God, not to earthly, fleeting obsessions. If I were to take account of the money I spent in 2010, I know (desafortunadamente) that I wasted away hundreds of dollars benefitting me, and my vanity.

God, today I surrender my time, my energy, my money, and my love to You. I desire so much that my day speaks volumes of Your love for me and my praise to You. I love you.

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