Sunday, January 30, 2011

things have changed.

these past few weeks have been a huge change. and 3 in 30 suffered for that. so did my goals for 2010/2011.

we ate out a LOT week 1. there was not much chance for real, healthy food. however, i did work out tuesday and wednesday. so at least something happened in the right direction.

this week i am in my new apartment, so i finally have some stability. our apartment isn't close tot he workout facility that was offered to the chicago semester students, so i didn't end up getting a membership. i've been looking on livingsocial and groupon to find some type of classes to go to thought.

i was eating pretty well at the beginning of the week, but all i wanted to do this weekend (and all i seemed to do this weekend) was eat out. again. guilty. and as always - i just LOVE my deserts. that being said, i think it is almost time to really step it up.

this week i ran monday and yesterday (saturday) around the neighborhood (which is actually just a city, not so much neighborhood.) i plan to run a lot more. one of my roommates is also a runner, so we help keep each other accountable...maybe.

february is a new month, a month of possibilities. i plan to be successful. (don't we all though?)
i think i will be participating in the love fast least a portion of it. i want to draw to God and just seek Him as satisfaction and to sustain me. He will. i know He will.

this post has been all over the place, for which i'm sorry. if you want to know more about what's going on in my life, check out my chicago blog. but i will try to keep up with this one as well, especially as i get back into my good habits.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

3 in 30 [week 2]

it's been another week. and not a great one in consideration of my goals:
#1 - no taco bell.
#2 - 30 minutes of cardio everyday.
#3 - memorize hebrews 1&2 in spanish & english.

#1 is still good to go. haven't had taco bell. don't really have a need for it.
i amp up this goal next month and say no fast food. it would be much better for me.
#2 was... not so good this week.
friday: mix of yoga & bootcamp calorie burn workouts.
saturday: ...
sunday: ...
monday: ...
tuesday: ...
wednesday: workout with the roommates - ab ripper x (from p90x) and stationary bike
thursday (today): workout with the roommates - stationary bike
tuesday is the only day i actually had an excuse not to work out. i was way too busy. but the other days i just was lazy and couldn't find motivation. that was bad. bad me.
#3 i'm no farther than i was before this month began. i have about 4 verses of chapter one done. i need to start on this. i want to accomplish my goals.

i'm very excited about making these things habit. i am excited as the year progresses to keep adding things to my life to make a better me. and a more productive, effective me. :] thank you ashley & meghan for 3 in 30.

Friday, January 7, 2011

3 in 30 [week 1]

a week is already over?

oh man, i really got to get on hebrews for sure.

avoiding taco bell is hard, but only when i actually leave the house and when i drive by it. if i don't pass by it, i don't know it exists. okay, so that's a lie. but no problem yet. :]

my exercising has been great. here's what i've been up to...
saturday: 2 mile run in rainy pittsburgh
sunday: 1 mile run in pittsburgh & a 1 mile walk back with kelsey
monday: 30 minute cardio video from ondemand via exercise tv
tuesday: 2 mile run
wednesday: 30 minute cardio video : bootcamp calorie burn (great, hard video which is free right now on
thursday: 4 mile stationary bike (NOT easy)
friday/today: haven't done it yet...

i hope you're all doing great on your 3 in 30 goals. i'm excited to set next months goals after reading some of yours! :]

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

[proverbs 31.30]

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."

These words hung over our mirrors in my apartment's getting ready room. I read them daily... but how often did I focus on them? I was too busy getting ready, checking my hair, my make-up, my blemishes... ironic, right?

I know that beauty will not last. I understand this vividly. So I justify my actions by considering that I need to take advantage of what beauty I have now. I think to myself not to put a large emphasis on it with my time and money. But considering my love for clothes, for accessories, for things that make me look beautiful, I have not proven this to be true.

It's hard.

All around me, even in people I look up to, I see an obsession with what's beautiful and what's not. I don't want to be that "not".

I wish that my time and money could reflect my love and devotion to God, not to earthly, fleeting obsessions. If I were to take account of the money I spent in 2010, I know (desafortunadamente) that I wasted away hundreds of dollars benefitting me, and my vanity.

God, today I surrender my time, my energy, my money, and my love to You. I desire so much that my day speaks volumes of Your love for me and my praise to You. I love you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 is looking good.

i'm 4 days into 2011 (and so are you)... here's the update.

my one sweet for this week: new year's day doughnuts. definitely worth it.
i'm actually having 2 sweets this week, because tomorrow is shane & i's 3 year, so he asked if i could break my rule for some coldstone ice cream. and yes, i can definitely do that. :]

i've been continuing studying proverbs 31 - almost done with it. then i'm going to dive hard into hebrews 1 as i try to memorize it and really learn it. i'm excited about that!

exercise-wise, this keeping off of the computer until my goals are accomplished for the day really works for me. :] good idea, self. (not the magazine. self as in alyssa kaye eubank)
saturday i ran 2 miles in rainy pittsburgh.
sunday i ran a mile to kelsey's work and walked home with her.
monday (yesterday) i did a exercise tv workout video from on demand. so glad to have that option again.
today i ran 2 miles on my normal path. it was a bit chilly, a bit windy, but good. good to get accomplished. right after i got out of the shower, it started snowing...hard...and hasn't stopped. i had good timing this morning.

eating is going well. i really don't have many healthy snacks right now, so i'm looking forward to grocery shopping soon (hint mom.) we have way too many cookies that look way too good sitting around waiting for me to devour. i won't do it. i will stay strong. i'm headed to spring arbor tomorrow, so i can have a warm workout on the eliptical/stepper machine. and read some self (the magazine this time) - maybe i'll even get my lovely roommates (which they aren't anymore and it kills me) to come along.

then a little splurge on coldstone because it's a special day, and i deserve it.
here's to a GREAT start to a GREAT year.
what about you? any goals set yet? need that accountability? i'd love to hear from you!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

3 in 30.

i posted my 3-in-30 goals on facebook a few days ago.
here they are for january:
#1 - no taco bell.
#2 - 30 minutes of cardio everyday.
#3 - memorize hebrews 1 & 2 in spanish & english.

this morning, i started back on my rules. full-time.
my way of motivating myself is to stay off my computer until i have done my cardio and read my Bible for the day. and since i am writing on my blog, that means i have both done this morning already. which is a big deal, since it's really raining here in beautiful pittsburgh. and i figured if i run in this on the first day of the year, it can only get better. i can run through anything. i didn't get done with my study of proverbs 31 in november and december, so i continued that this morning. for breakfast i had a few pieces of donut (because we bought them yesterday specifically for this morning) so that is my dessert for the week. desafortunadamente.

day one check: good and successful. happy. content. ready for more.