Wednesday, January 6, 2010

hello january 6th.

this morning was GREAT. currently (and i stress currently because i'm sure this feeling is temporary) i love working out. this morning i woke up at 9, went running outside for 10 minutes then biked on the spinning bike for 20 minutes. then i worked out my arms, chest, back, shoulders, and legs. it felt wonderful.

unfortunately in the 6 days of 2010, i've already developed an addiction to coffee. i thought i would be fine coming back to school, getting away from my parents' extremely nice instant coffee maker, but i was wrong. i came back to school and my roommate quri decided to buy a coffee maker this past weekend. we just had to test it out today, and let me tell you - it was fantastic. this is no good.

i haven't read my B-i-b-l-e yet today, but sooner than not shaner and i will sit down and read it.

last night before bed i was reading becoming a woman of prayer and studied parts of jeremiah and other books, concentrating on our approach to prayer. we often view prayer as our coming to God and presenting our praise and requests, but the author talked about God wanting us in His presence, inviting us into prayer with Him.

i finished the chapter with a concentration of jeremiah 33:3 "call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." i had left my Bible open so that i could highlight the verse this morning and when i got my breakfast around and about to highlight it, i spilled my cup of milk on it. i had to un-stick all the pages, and i just feel so sad about my Bible.

i've felt so lazy all day, spending my afternoon since class watching 3 discs of friends. working out in the morning makes me feel wonderful, but sitting around all afternoon makes me feel useless and like the workout in the morning didn't work. i'm going to have to make my days more productive... wish i had more hours at work. well, in a few minutes my friend lori is coming over to do a cardio dance workout video from ondemand with my roommate jenna and i, looking forward to it! :]

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